1 REP GYM- Isometric Strength Training Equipment
1 REP GYM has been the LEADER in providing purpose designed total body isometric strength training equipment to the market since 2008! SAFE for youth as young as 5 yrs of age to the most seasoned seniors in their 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond as well as everyone in between regardless of fitness level.
A 1 REP GYM Measured Intensity Training session is the fastest workout in the world because you can achieve maximum momentary contraction, performing exercises in the strongest "partial" range, and the workouts are based on "measured isometrics". In other words the you simply push or pull on a bar receives instant feedback displaying precisely how much "force" he or she is generating. This triggers your body's growth mechanism to increase strength, muscle, and bone mass density. That's it. No free weights, plates, resistance bands, cables or pulleys which all carry a very high risk of serious injury. |
Scientific Benefits of a 7 Second Workout
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